Bovine Meat and Bone Meal

It is the product obtained from the cooking, pressing and subsequent grinding of bovine by-products not used for human consumption. The raw material includes cattle by-products such as butchered, leg and head, tallow and other discards from the slaughter of cattle controlled by SENASA, declared free of contagious infectious diseases.
Characteristics: It has a light brown color, it does not contain foreign matter, it does not contain live insects or in any of their biological stages, and its smell is typical of cooked meat without rancidity. It is free of salmonella and B.S.E.

It is mostly used for animal feed due to its protein value and high digestibility. Made with different percentages of protein according to need:

-50 kilo polypropylene bags.
-Big-bags of 1000-1200 kilos.

It is stabilized with antioxidants under rigorous quality controls.